GCTU Completes Renovation Of FoCIS Block

Prof. Afoakwa joined by key officers formally open the FOCIS building for use

GCTU’s infrastructural development drive gathered further momentum with the completion of the renovation of the FOCIS block. The project, which began in February 2022, was completed at the end of April, prompting the need for an Interim handing over ceremony, which took place on Friday, 29th April 2022.

The ceremony signalled the culmination of a project which spanned a duration of 3 months and included the reroofing and refurbishment of the building which had been unused for some time. In attendance was the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Afoakwa, who was joined by a host of key officers including the Ag. Director of Works and Physical Development, Surv. Gordon Baapiri, the Ag. Director of University Relations, Dr. Nusrat-Jahan Abubakar, the Ag. Director of Internal Audit, Mr. Kennedy Oppong Fosu, the Dean of the Office of Student Affairs, Dr. Michael Owusu-Akomeah, and the Ag. Director of Academic Affairs, Ms. Jennifer Akude. Also in attendance were the University Librarian, Ms. Afua Kore-Frempong, the Ag. Director of Finance, Dr. William Sarfo, and the Dean of the Graduate School, Dr. Ebenezer Malcalm. The Ag. Dean of FOCIS, Prof. Kester Quist-Aphetsi, and the Ag. Dean of Engineering, Prof. Stephen Asunka represented faculty, along with a host of lecturers and other administrative staff.

Speaking prior to the official inspection tour of the newly renovated building, the Ag. Director of Works and Physical Development, Surv. Baapiri, spoke about the importance of the Interim handing over, which would signal the beginning of a 6-month period which would allow him and his team to observe the structural quality of the work, before an official Commissioning ceremony. Surv. Baapiri then led those in attendance on a tour of the building, taking his time to highlight the various elements of the project which had been undertaken by the contractor, WAX Home Ghana Ltd. At the conclusion of the tour, the official handing over ceremony began, with Surv. Baapiri emphasizing the overall satisfaction with the contractor’s work. He stated, “The project has come to a practical conclusion and the contractor has fulfilled his obligation to the University. We are impressed with the work done and the company has proved through its quality delivery that it is a good partner.” The keys to the building were then officially handed over to the Vice-Chancellor, who then cut the sod to formally open the FOCIS building for use.

Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Afoakwa inspects the project

After the formal opening, the Vice-Chancellor reiterated Surv. Baapiri’s sentiments regarding the quality of the work and spoke about his general excitement at this latest development for the University. He said, “This is very good and exciting news for all of us. We saw the condition of the building and realized that it was of no use to the University in its previous state. Due to our urgent need for space for Faculty and students, we had to embark on this project. We never expected it to be completed so quickly, and on behalf of Management and Council, we say a big thank you to the contractor and his team”. The Vice-Chancellor also stated his expectation that the partnership with WAX home Ghana Ltd would continue and that more projects would be undertaken by them in the future. He also alluded to the fact that despite the limitations in terms of space and existing structures, “there is the need to embellish what we have and upgrade it to higher quality”.

The contractor (WAX home Ghana Ltd ) thanked management for placing so much faith in the company

The contractor also spoke as the event drew to a close, thanking Management for placing so much faith in him and his team, and stating his belief that this would be the continuation of a fruitful partnership between his organization and GCTU. Surv. Baapiri then concluded the ceremony by thanking everyone for attending the event.

Indeed, we look forward to yet more exciting developments as the University continues to establish its identity as a world class institution of technology-oriented education. We also thank Management, the Directorate of Works and Physical Development, and all other stakeholders involved in the project for their hard work in making it a success.

The contractor with some principal officers of the university